Esso petrol station

Payments & Loyalty

Fuelling your everyday adventures

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Here you’ll find all the information you need about our loyalty schemes. Learn how to get Nectar points when you top up, how the Esso App makes paying simpler and the advantages of using an Esso Card.

How to collect Nectar points with Esso

  • A pump

    Fill and collect

    Collect Nectar points every time you fill up at a participating Esso service station.

  • A basket

    Shop and collect

    You can also collect points when you buy items from a participating Esso service station’s shop.

  • A car wash

    Wash and collect

    Refresh your car, top up your Nectar points. Go through the car wash at one of our participating service stations and get points when you pay.

  • Nectar card

    How to collect

    When you go to pay, simply use the Esso App or your Nectar card and the points will be added to your account automatically.

Esso App displaying Nectar card whilst paying at the pump

Paying for fuel and collecting Nectar points is easy with the Esso App. Simply link your card to your account and the next time you use the app to pay at a participating Esso service station, your points will be added automatically. Sign up today and receive 1000 points on your next fill.

You can also swap 300 Nectar points to get 5p off per litre when you pay in store or via the app.

  • The Esso App

    Step 1

    Download and set up the Esso App at home (it only takes a few minutes). Don’t forget to link your Nectar card to your account.

  • a car with a locator

    Step 2

    Next time you fill up at an Esso service station, open the Esso App, let it find your location and select your pump.

  • a phone with Apple Pay and PayPal

    Step 3

    Select your payment option for secure, one touch payment. Then fill up as normal.

  • a phone with email receipt

    Step 4

    When you’ve filled up, you will receive confirmation that your transaction was successful and a receipt will be available in your History. That’s it!

Terms and Conditions

  1. In addition to Esso’s own terms and conditions of use of Nectar card and issuance or spending of Nectar points at participating Esso branded service stations, general Nectar terms and conditions (and the Nectar privacy policy) apply to the use of Nectar card and collection or redemption of Nectar points and can be found at:
  2. Esso may collect personal data in relation to questions submitted to its Customer Care department, to which the following privacy terms apply: website privacy policy or in relation to Nectar account information uploaded into the 'Esso App', in relation to which the following privacy terms apply: Esso App privacy policy.
  3. Esso reserves the right to cancel, terminate, suspend or change the ability to collect and or redeem Nectar points at Esso branded service stations without notice (including, but not limited to suspension arising out of non-availability of the App or technical failure generally or at a particular Esso branded service station). Esso shall not be responsible for any losses suffered or incurred as a direct or indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination, suspension or change in the availability of the Nectar scheme at Esso branded service stations. Nothing in these terms shall limit Esso’s liability for death, personal injury or fraud.
  4. The terms and conditions for use of Nectar card and issuance or spending of Nectar points at participating Esso branded service stations may be amended, varied and/or supplemented by Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (“Esso”) at any time in its absolute discretion and without prior notice.
Esso App terms and conditions
Esso App privacy policy

3x Nectar points and 3x Clubcard points available on premium fuel (Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel and Synergy Supreme+ 99, subject to product availability) purchases at participating Esso sites.