We understand that you want help to reduce the impact of driving your car. And globally, we have exciting plans to increase the amount of lower emission fuels we offer(1). This is why we launched Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel, with 15% lower life cycle GHG emissions than our regular diesel(2).
Currently available at select Esso stations in South East England, and suitable for all diesel engines without adjustments, it includes 25% premium renewable content, and our proprietary Esso Synergy additive.

Introducing Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel
Say hello to Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel, with 15% lower life cycle GHG emissions than our regular diesel(2). Formerly known as Esso Supreme 25% Renewable Diesel, our latest diesel includes 25% premium renewable content and our proprietary Esso Synergy additive.
Fuel for Thought
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel: Benefits
15% Lower Emissions
The fuel has 15% lower life cycle greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) than our regular diesel(2). If you use 50 litres of Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel, the lifecycle GHG emissions associated with fuelling your vehicle will on average be 25 kg less than if you had used 50 litres of Esso Synergy diesel(3).
Two round trips from London to Edinburgh of emissions prevented
15% lower lifecycle GHG emissions means that for the average UK diesel car driver, using Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel instead of regular diesel can prevent approximately 1,410 miles worth of lifecycle emissions associated with fuelling that vehicle per year(2). That is equivalent to over two round trips from London to Edinburgh(5).
The latest addition to our diesel family is formulated with a minimum of 25% Esso Ethos™ Renewable Diesel. The renewable content helps reduce the life cycle GHG emissions by 15% when compared to our regular diesel (1). The “+” in Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel refers to the formulation of this product with our Esso Synergy additive technology. Esso Ethos+™ offers the same great protection and cleaning power as our regular diesel to protect your engine.
We use the methodology outlined in the amended Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Order 2007 (SI 2007/3072) as amended (“RTFO”), which includes contributions from N2O and CH4, expressed in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). The life cycle GHG saving from biofuels and bio liquids (e.g. HVO) is calculated by comparing the carbon intensity of the HVO fuel with a fossil fuel comparator, using RTFO default values for the renewable and fossil fuel comparators. In this case, the expected life cycle GHG emission saving of 15.2% for Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel containing 25% HVO was calculated against the equivalent figure for regular diesel containing up to 7% fatty acid methyl ester (FAME).
GHG saving of biofuels & bio liquids = (E(F) – E(B) )/E(F)
E(F) = total emissions from the fossil fuel comparator
E(B) = total emissions from the biofuel or bio liquid
E(B) = E(HVO)
In the case of biofuels, life cycle GHG emissions will also include the emissions associated with cultivating, and harvesting the feedstocks used to make them. GHG emissions include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (NOx).
Renewable fuels have lower life cycle GHG emissions than their conventional counterparts because the carbon in those fuels comes from a renewable energy source (for example biomass, oil extracted from plants, or used cooking oil). In those cases, the carbon from those sources has been drawn from the atmosphere to feed the plant’s growth, and when the fuel is burned, that carbon is returned to the atmosphere without a net increase in atmospheric carbon. The important thing to remember is that it’s across the overall life cycle that the environmental impacts of biofuels are compared to conventional fuels, not at the vehicle exhaust emissions at the end of the chain.
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel meets the BS EN590 specifications and works in all diesel engines marked as compatible with B7 fuel. It can be used interchangeably with other diesel fuels, and does not require any engine modification. It will not impact the warranty of a vehicle engine marked as compatible with B7 fuel.
Pure HVO contains approximately 4-5% less energy per litre than conventional diesel, though this impact is diluted for blends of HVO. Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel contains a minimum of 25% HVO, blended with conventional diesel and our proprietary Esso Synergy additive. It meets all BS EN590 fuel specifications. We therefore expect minimal impact to fuel economy.
B7 labelling means that Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel can be used in engines marked as compatible with B7 fuel.
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel contains our proprietary Synergy additive, designed to help clean vital parts of your engine, including your car’s fuel injectors. A cleaner engine means better performance.
Yes, this product contains our Esso Synergy additive. The Esso Synergy additive in Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel provides the same great protection and cleaning power as the additive in our regular diesel to protect your engine.
Hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) is a renewable fuel that can be made from a variety of feedstocks including vegetable and animal oils and fats, or residue feedstocks (such as used cooking oil). It is carefully refined to become a high quality fuel component regardless of the original feedstock.
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel does not contain palm oil. To supply the HVO used in Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel, we purchase independently verified, RTFO compliant, waste and residue feedstock, such as waste or used cooking oil (UCO).
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel has all the great advantages that our customers have come to expect from high quality Esso fuels, but with the added benefit of 15% lower life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with our regular diesel(1). However, it does cost more to manufacture because the renewable component of the diesel – the HVO - costs more than conventional diesel.
The petrol station owners who run Esso branded forecourts set their own prices for this product, however the HVO blend components of Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel cost more than normal diesel so this product does cost more than regular diesel to manufacture. Consumers can therefore expect to pay a little more per litre for the renewable benefits of this fuel compared to conventional diesel.
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel provides Retail customers with lower life cycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to our regular diesel(1), but with the same great protection. We think customers will be delighted with this new premium fuel, however we continue to sell Esso Supreme+ Diesel at most other Esso service stations. To find an Esso station providing Esso Supreme+ Diesel, please visit https://www.esso.co.uk/en-gb/find-station/
Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel is available across 35 sites in South East England. Please visit https://www.esso.co.uk/en-gb/find-station/ to find your nearest station.
Filling up your vehicle with Esso Ethos+™ 25% Diesel is a great way you can make an immediate change. However don’t forget that there are other, simple steps you can take to help improve the fuel efficiency of your vehicle and help lower your fuel bills too! Follow these five steps to drive more efficiently:
- ensure your tyres are correctly inflated,
- accelerate and brake smoothly,
- remove the roof rack from your car when not in use,
- drive with the windows up, and
- remove excess weight from your vehicle
(1)for more information please refer to Advancing climate solutions progress report (exxonmobil.com)
(2)Comparison is versus regular Esso Synergy Diesel. Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel contains a minimum of 25% renewable diesel. Choosing Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel instead of regular Esso Synergy Diesel results in 15% lower greenhouse gas emissions when comparing the emissions over the life cycle of each fuel. Fuels vary both in their total life cycle emissions (i.e. from production to use or “well to wheel”) and in how the emissions are distributed throughout that life cycle. The methodology for calculating life cycle emissions and emissions reduction follows that outlined in the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Order 2007 (SI 2007/3072) as amended (“RTFO”). Actual results may vary. For more details about the product and full details of the calculation including assumptions and emission factors visit https://www.esso.co.uk/en-gb/hvo-faqs. ©2024 ExxonMobil. All trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.
(3)Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel has 15% lower life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than our regular diesel (1). Calculations indicate that every 50 litres of Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel used would, on average emit 133.7 kg of GHG emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalents, or CO2e) over the total lifecycle of that product. This compares with 50 litres of Esso Synergy regular diesel (B7), which would emit 159.1kg CO2e over its total lifecycle.
(4)RTFO: Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Order 2007 (SI 2007/3072) as amended (“RTFO”).
(5)Based on the estimated UK average annual mileage of 9,400 for diesel cars. Source: National Travel Survey 2019. One way trip from London to Edinburgh is 332 miles.