Two men standing at train platform

Help to make one less car journey

In a survey we carried out, we found that 1 in 2 drivers have taken steps to use their cars less to help them save on fuel. Another survey revealed that at least 1 in 3 drivers are switching, or planning to switch a car journey for walking, cycling or public transport.1

Using your car less is not going to be possible for everyone, particularly where no real alternative exists. But for many, there are journeys we’re making by car that we probably don’t need to.​

After all, the impact of the pandemic has already changed our driving habits, and according to the National Travel Survey, around 50% of car journeys made are under 5 miles, with 25% under 2 miles.2

The first step to driving less is identifying what you can do differently (and it may not be obvious). If it’s a change you can repeat, then that’s even better because the difference it could make on total fuel consumption and emissions from driving can really add up.

The hardest bit is actually making the change. Here are some ways to help you get started!


Commute like a pro with Matt Jones

  • woman driving with window down

    Unlock the power of lift sharing

    Discover the potential of lift sharing and learn how you can make a positive impact by making fewer solo car journeys. 

  • Man standing by his car

    Lift sharing etiquette

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  • Two colleagues in a car

    Meet the Lift sharers

    Good chat, good snacks, and money saved? Find out why people love sharing lifts up in the UK.

Here’s a thought:

  • Parent walking with child.

    Shorter journeys

    Try not to use your car for shorter journeys like the school run. Even if it's just one day a week, you could start your day with a walk – with some quick win health benefits built in!

  • Man cycling.

    One less drive

    Could some journeys be made without the car? Taking public transport or using an e-bike could help you beat the rush hour and get you to your destination quicker.

  • Woman carrying bags while smiling.

    Shopping locally

    Replacing some of the weekly supermarket car trips with a walk to the local shops is a win-win – you buy quality fresh produce while supporting small businesses.

  • Man and woman planning route using app.

    Combining trips

    If you have to do a series of short trips, use a journey planner to find the most efficient way to make them in one go.

  • Photo of two women inside of a car smiling at each other

    Car pooling

    Especially if the ride is the same, share the car with colleagues to save money and fuel.

More about Thoughtful Driving

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  1. Ipsos Cost of Fuel Report, June 2022
  2. National Travel Survey - GOV.UK (
  3. Source: Liftshare
  4. Source: HomeRun – see: Based on an analysis & calculations performed by HomeRun, the emissions reduction calculation uses manufacturer exhaust emissions data. Actual exhaust emissions may vary from manufacturer information due to factors like driving style, vehicle maintenance, weight and previous fuels used.
  5. HomeRun estimate of potential benefits for 15 schools. Final results may vary and will depend upon factors such as the calculated commute footprint of participating schools, school participation rates etc.