Person in squirrel costume filling car

Thoughtful Driving fuel saving tips

Looking for ways to use less fuel? While it won’t always be possible to travel a different way, or to drive less often, here are some good ideas to help you reduce your fuel consumption.
  • Person with hands on steering wheel

    Tip 1: Changing gears

    Remember, gears are for going and brakes are for slowing. Better use of gears means less revving and fussing with unnecessary gear changes. Drivers will not only reduce fuel consumption, but also cut down wear and tear.

  • Mechanic topping up engine with oil

    Tip 2: Engine oil

    Keeping your car topped up with the right engine oil doesn’t just protect your engine from damage, but also reduces your fuel consumption. Did you know that Mobil 1 ESP X2 0W-20 helps provide up to a 4% fuel efficiency improvement1, equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions associated with charging over 23,000 smartphones2.

  • Person with hands on steering wheel

    Tip 3: Drop your speed

    Reducing your speed from 70mph to 60mph, when you’re driving on the motorway, can save you up to 10% in fuel3 – getting you to the same destination for less!

  • A cityscape at night

    Tip 4: Combining journeys

    If you have to do a series of short trips, use a journey planner to find the most efficient way to make them in one go.

  • Person with hands on steering wheel

    Tip 5: Accelerate gently

    The harder you push your engine, the more fuel is consumed. Accelerating gradually means less engine strain and less fuel used. Driving at constant, steady speeds and avoiding heavy traffic can save you fuel and reduce the impact of your journey – we all hate stop-start journeys!

  • Person cycling on bike

    Tip 6: Substitute a journey

    Could some journeys be made without the car? Taking public transport or using an e-bike could help you beat the rush hour and get you to your destination quicker.

  • Image of a person standing behind the open boot of a car

    Tip 7: The Boot

    Unused roof bars, bike racks and clutter in the boot all add extra weight to your car. Carrying 50kg of excess weight can increase your fuel consumption by up to 2%.4 Save fuel by making sure you’re not carrying around any weight you don’t need to be.

  • Petrol station at night

    Tip 8: Refuelling

    Rather than waiting until the red light comes on – when you may need to drive out of your way to fill up – call in at your next petrol station when you’re starting to run low.

  • Two people looking at a digital device

    Tip 9: Route planner

    The worst conditions for driving economically are when you’re in a rush, when you’re not exactly sure where you’re going, or when you’re having to change your plans on the go. Use a journey planner to help schedule your journey and help beat the rush.

  • Image of a mechanic checking a tyre’s pressure

    Tip 10: Tyre Pressure

    Under-inflated tyres increase rolling resistance which lowers your fuel economy and increases the rate at which your tyres wear. Keeping the air in your tyres topped up uses less fuel. Claim your free Fuel Saver Check at Kwik Fit. You’ll also get a free top up of oil.

  • Person pressing button on car dashboard

    Tip 11: Air Conditioning

    The temptation to turn on the air conditioning on a warm day is almost irresistible. But reducing the use of air conditioning (and heating) means reducing fuel consumption. Try to use it only when you can't do without it.

  • Car with roof box on

    Tip 12: Improving aerodynamics

    The excess drag from leaving an unused roof box and rack on your car can cost you between 13% and 19% more in fuel according to the car you are driving. Save fuel and money by removing unused roof boxes and bike racks. 5 

  • Person walking with child to school

    Tip 13: Shorter journeys

    Try not to use your car for shorter journeys like the school run. Even if it's just one day a week, you could start your day with a walk – with some quick win health benefits built in!

  • Image of petrol grades on pump

    Tip 14: Choosing a lower emission fuel

    Filling up with a renewable fuel can help to reduce your environmental impact. Our Esso Ethos+™ 25% Renewable Diesel is made from used cooking oil and creates 15% lower life cycle GHG emissions than our regular diesel.6

    Find our renewable diesel at select Esso stations in the South East England.

  • Person walking with personal shopping trolley

    Tip 15: Shopping locally

    Replacing some of the weekly supermarket car trips with a walk to the local shops is a win-win – you buy quality fresh produce while supporting small businesses.

  • Two people in a car, looking at eachother

    Tip 16: Sharing journeys

    Sharing a journey with just one person halves the amount of fuel used – saving the drivers and passengers money (Liftshare members save over £1,000 a year 7 on average). Fewer cars on the road also means fewer emissions, less traffic and more parking spaces available – so it’s good news for everyone!

  • Person walking around a car on a petrol station forecourt

    Tip 17: Cleaning your engine

    Fill up with a fuel that has cleaning power which can help improve fuel economy. Try our new Esso Supreme+ 99 which triple cleans and protects your engine to help give you more miles per tank

  • Person reversing car

    Tip 18: Reverse parking

    Always try to reverse into a parking space so you can drive straight out. This is because manoeuvring while the engine is cold uses more fuel. 

More about Thoughtful Driving

Exxon Mobil Corporation has numerous affiliates, many with names that include ExxonMobil, Exxon, Mobil, Esso. For convenience and simplicity, those terms and terms such as Corporation, company, our, we, and its are sometimes used as abbreviated references to specific affiliates or affiliate groups. Abbreviated references describing global or regional operational organizations, and global or regional business lines are also sometimes used for convenience and simplicity.  Nothing contained herein is intended to override the corporate separateness of affiliated companies.

1 Compared with Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30; Actual savings are dependent upon vehicle and engine type, outside temperature and barometric pressure, driving conditions and your current engine oil viscosity.

2 Assumes 11,507 miles/yr, 21.7 mpg fuel average, and 4% fuel economy improvement; using US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator:

3 Source The AA

4 Source KwikFit

5 Source Consumer Reports, 2020

6 Esso Supreme 25% Renewable Diesel has 15% lower life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than our regular diesel (1). Calculations indicate that every 50 litres of Esso Supreme 25% Renewable Diesel used would, on average emit 133.7 kg of GHG emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalents, or CO2e) over the total lifecycle of that product. This compares with 50 litres of Esso Synergy regular diesel (B7), which would emit 159.1kg CO2e over its total lifecycle.

7 Source Liftshare